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Towards a Sustainable Future: Celebrating the Successful Culmination of the ‘Climate Change Adaptation in Jafrabad’ Project

Climate Change, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Resilient Agriculture, CSR Partnerships, Rural Development

October, 2023

Towards a Sustainable Future: Celebrating the Successful Culmination of the ‘Climate Change Adaptation in Jafrabad’ Project

climate change adaptation HDFC

~ by WOTR Communications

In a momentous celebration that brought together communities, stakeholders, and visionaries, the ‘Climate Change Adaptation in Jafrabad’ project, a collaborative initiative between HDFC Bank Parivartan and the Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR), marked its successful completion on September 29th, 2023.

climate change adaptationHDFC
HDFC Bank Parivartan and WOTR Representatives at the Closing Ceremony

The project, which has been a catalyst for transformative change over the past three years, has not only rejuvenated the landscapes of 20 villages in Maharashtra’s Jalna district but has also sown the seeds of sustainable development and resilience among 24,843 inhabitants.

Navigating Through Multifaceted Challenges

Jafrabad, cradled by the Purna River, has long grappled with a myriad of challenges, from land degradation and water scarcity to low agricultural productivity and increasing migration due to recurrent monsoon failures. The escalating poverty rates and the palpable need for sustainable livelihoods underscored the urgency for innovative and sustainable solutions.

Embarking on a Transformative Journey

Responding to this call, WOTR, with the unwavering support of HDFC Bank Parivartan, launched the ‘Climate Change Adaptation’ project in March 2020, targeting the holistic development of Jafrabad. Spanning 14,095 hectares and encompassing 5,408 households, the project aimed to fortify the community against the impacts of climate change, enhance agricultural practices, and bridge income disparities through a myriad of innovative and community-centric approaches.

A check dam built through the project

Strategies and Interventions: Beyond Physical Transformations

The project employed a holistic strategy, intertwining physical interventions with community empowerment. Techniques such as bunding, Continuous Contour Trenches (CCTs), and gully plugs were utilised to combat soil erosion and enhance soil moisture retention, while the expansion of existing water structures and the implementation of rainwater harvesting through earthen nala bunds, gabion structures, and check dams played pivotal roles in addressing water scarcity.

The Grand Finale: A Celebration of Collective Triumph

The closing ceremony, attended by 500 villagers from 20 different villages, became a confluence of reflection and anticipation. Nusrat Pathan, Head of CSR at HDFC Bank, expressed, “Initially, the focus was primarily on efficient water management. However, with WOTR’s guidance, we adopted a holistic approach, underscoring the importance of investing in agriculture for genuine community development. The collaborative planning has yielded fruitful results, evident today.”

Nusrat Pathan, Head of CSR at HDFC Bank, addressing the gathering during the Closing ceremony

Stories of Impact and Transformation

One villager shared, “The water management efforts of the project were a game-changer for us. It not only improved our water levels but also spurred many to start dairy businesses, improving our financial stability and enabling education for our children.” Many more such stories, illuminated by the tangible evidence of collaborative efforts, shone brightly, offering a glimpse into the real impact of the initiative.

A villager sharing her thoughts during the Closing ceremony

Looking Ahead: Sustainability and Empowerment

At the conclusion ceremony, Pathan reassured the community that their connection with Jafrabad endures. “We plan to conduct an impact study to assess the sustainability of these changes in the coming year,” she announced, her promise of a lasting partnership met with enthusiastic applause, a testament to the bonds forged between HDFC Bank Parivartan and the people of Jafrabad.

The baton of responsibility has now passed to the Gram Panchayat, marking a monumental leap toward empowering local communities to shape their own development path.”Having witnessed the incredible work and met the people of Jafrabad, I am confident this initiative will leave an indelible mark for generations to come,” said Pathan at the ceremony.

The baton of responsibility has now passed to the Gram Panchayat

WOTR and the communities of the 20 villages extend their deepest gratitude to HDFC Bank Parivartan for being the cornerstone of this change. Together, they have not only celebrated success but also laid a sturdy foundation for a brighter and more resilient future in Jafrabad

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