By Harshal Khade, Nirmal Topno & Sujaya Dangwar
Photo credit – Atal Purty & Pusa Kongadi
The Birsa Farmer Producer Company (FPC) was formed so that small and marginal farmers of Murhu, Jharkhand, can derive economic benefits, be it in purchase of inputs, processing or marketing of farm produce. The main aim is to ensure economic well being, through farmers coming together under the umbrella of a self reliant collective. The company provides fertilisers and seeds to farmers at the right time and purchases produce at reasonable prices. It buys fruits, flowers, paddy, tamarind, mahua, etc., from small scale farmers. Even now, during the COVID-19 outbreak, the FPC is constantly making efforts to help farmers. The company has distributed 21 quintals of rice till date.
Pictured above are members – small and marginal farmers – of the Birsa Farmer Producer Company, Murhu, Jharkhand. Currently there are 540 members in the company with four directors.
Birsa Farmer Producer Company office.
Farm produce sale in progress.
Procured paddy left to dry after harvest.
The paddy before boiling.
The FPC roped in women from Self Help Groups in the village to process rice from paddy. They extracted rice in a week’s time, in spite of the difficult weather conditions and cloud cover. The company gave Rs. 1.50 per kg for the processed paddy.
The SHG members boil the paddy twice and dry it thereafter. The dried paddy is then processed at the local thresher of the SHG named ‘Jagriti Mahila Samuh’ in Toner village. SHG members Pyari Kongad, Somari Kongadi, Mariani Hembrom and Jibdi Purti were involved in the process. The entire operation was undertaken by Samuel Soy Murum and Karamsingh Dhodrai who are among the Board of Directors of the FPC. Wasundhara sevak Pusa Kongdri coordinated the whole operation.
WOTR is promoting kitchen gardens as part of COVID-19 relief work in 72 villages through Self Help Groups (SHGs). Much-needed agricultural interventions are also on the cards for the upcoming Kharif season through our Wasundhara sevaks and agronomist Kartick Chandra Sahu. The Birsa Farmer Producer Company in Murhu, Jharkhand, is supplying seeds for kitchen gardens along with fertilisers as a preparation for Kharif. Pictured above are Nirmal Topno, Director and Atal Purti, CEO of the FPC, overseeing delivery and preparations.
Women weighing harvested paddy before distribution and processing. Here the skillsets of SHG women are utilised.
Rice stored in bags after processing.
Processed and cleaned rice ready for packaging.
The company distributed the rice which was processed by SHG women. Some of the beneficiaries included women in the same group.
Families with ration kits.
In these difficult times, WOTR is working at the village-level to ensure essential needs are taken care of. In the project village of Murhu block in Khunti district, a distribution was organised on 18th May. 70-odd vulnerable families in six villages received rations for two months — rice, dal, oil, potato, etc.
A woman and her child collecting their ration kit in Murhu.
The project is based in picturesque hills and farm lands.